Monday, September 5, 2016

Weekly update #3


I think I worked on the game for half an hour this week. Started a new enemy type, Floater, that's intended to be a very big, bulky, slow enemy type. I feel bad about not doing more. I wonder about the effectiveness of accountability. Anyway, I knew it was going to be a tough week for productivity. I moved house. I did exercise 7 days in a row. Looking back, there were only a few blocks of time where I could have gotten some programming done, but I'm overall content with most of my decisions on how I spent my time, friend's birthday party, talking with friend on phone, moving, unpacking/cleaning, day job, lots of exercising, dog, watching Mr Robot. Last night, I watched Twitch for a few hours and I've spent probably a few hours on dating apps this week and maybe a little more time on Facebook than I would have liked, so those are the places where I would have preferred opening up Unity and those are my known time sinks. Just gotta get back at it, I suppose.

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