Monday, September 26, 2016

WeeklyUpdate #6

I think these posts should be something different that a summary of my repo commits, but summarizing them seems necessary for commentary. I'm going to try copy/pasting.

- Made Spiraler.cs and Bomber.cs. Changed up how Flyer.cs and AI targeting works. Made solar panels and water hose work with Black Bird.
- Made medicine item. Made harpoon reeling in from dock work. Now it detaches when dismounting bird. Started tump baby boss and created accompanying homing missile with capped velocity. Created blood slider and straightforward big bird hp.

So I've done all this work to get around BigBird.cs and BigBirdManager.cs and instead have Carrier.cs and CarrierManager.cs. Hopefully, when multiplayer is implemented, this work will have been worth it. Other than the broadsides, and removal of the coop, I think I've gotten back to full functionality plus more from the Kestrel version of Big Bird.

I believe I'm getting bogged down with wanting to create new mechanics or tweak existing ones. The current storage system and number displays seems bad and awkward with their flipping. The tail rider station doesn't function like it should. Creating the lance item and balloon shield and getting the electric tether and power bird and net and healing and overheating/freezing player mechanic are all things that I would want to do next, but I believe I need to work on game structure. Tweak the rhythm of enemy spawning, created some reasons to explore off the river, get the store system working, get a few basic bosses, and get the level progression working. Then play test and add in new mechanics.

Anyway, one solid day of work was basically all I got done this week. Some of my new sounds are annoying. 

Peace out.

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